Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Forecast Weather Maps for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States
Fire Forecast Map for the United States

Fire Weather Synopsis (Day 1)


Large-scale fire weather conditions are not expected across the
contiguous United States (CONUS) on Sunday.

Much of the CONUS will be on the downstream side of a positively
tilted long-wave trough across North America. This will result in
fast zonal mid-level flow across much of the CONUS. However, this
strong mid-level flow should be removed from the dry regions of the
Southwest. The absence of mid-level support will allow surface winds
to remain below criteria thresholds where relative humidity falls
into the teens.

General Precautions for Fire Weather

Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts and fire warnings from official sources like [Local Fire Department, National Weather Service, etc. Have a battery-powered radio in case of power outages.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay close attention to your surroundings and be aware of any signs of fire, such as smoke or unusual fire behavior.

Be Ready to Evacuate

Prepare a "Go Bag": Have a readily accessible bag with essential items in case of evacuation, including:
 Non-perishable food
 First-aid kit
 Flashlight with extra batteries
 Important documents (copies)
 Clothing for all weather conditions
 Cell phone and charger
 Pet supplies (if applicable)

Be Prepared

Create a Wildfire Action Plan: Discuss a wildfire action plan with your family, including evacuation routes and meeting points. Practice your plan regularly.

Prepare your Home

 Maintain Your Property:
 Clear brush and debris around your home.
 Keep lawns and vegetation trimmed.
 Ensure your address is clearly visible from the street.
 Inspect and maintain outdoor equipment (mowers, chainsaws, etc.) to prevent sparks.
 Avoid Activities that Could Spark a Fire:
 Refrain from open burning, including campfires and backyard fires.
 Be extremely careful with smoking materials.
 Avoid using fireworks.
 Be cautious when operating machinery that could produce sparks, especially in dry grass or brush.
 Ensure vehicles are in good working order, with no dragging parts that could create sparks.

If a Wildfire Threatens Your Area:

Evacuate Immediately: If you are advised to evacuate, do so immediately. Do not wait until the last minute.
Follow Evacuation Routes: Follow designated evacuation routes and do not take shortcuts.
Stay Informed: Listen to official sources for updates and instructions.
If Trapped: If you cannot evacuate, seek shelter in a sturdy building away from vegetation. Close all doors and windows and stay inside until it is safe to leave.
Remember: Wildfires can spread quickly and unexpectedly. Being prepared and taking precautions can significantly reduce your risk. Your safety is your responsibility.