Hot Air Balloon Skydive in Sunny California
In the spirit of André-Jacques Garnerin, the first person to skydive from a balloon, this squad executed the perfect hot air
In the spirit of André-Jacques Garnerin, the first person to skydive from a balloon, this squad executed the perfect hot air
Bear Grylls goes powered paragliding during his spare time. Unless you follow Bear closely, you may not know that he set
Discovering how to freefall can be an intimidating experience especially if the one schooling you is your ranking officer. This first
A failure in the ground avoidance systems may have caused a hoverbike pilot in Dubai to crash. The pilot fell from
Sam Rogers fulfilled a dream of his by inventing his hoverboard, sort of. While this board doesn’t propel Sam in the
During a launch from Mount Borah in Australia, a paraglider pilot was caught off guard when a dirt devil swept him
It seems the video above is causing some curiosity on the internet as to how this view angle was obtained. In
On the last day of 2018, eight skydivers misjudged their exit from the plane which caused them to come up short
Wolfgang Siess pulls off a Rockstar speedrun on his Wills Wing T2C. From atop the summit of Birg (a peak in
This group raised the bar, literally, on the backyard favorite of slip ‘n slide by taking it to the sky. After
This guy was driving in the desert when he found a dog in the middle of the road. He had no
Two French wingsuit flyers have completed an incredible jump. The Soul Flyers, known for their heads down tandem acrobatic base jumps
Speed Rider Valentin Delluc rides the Bossons glacier in Charmonix France with his speed wing lit up with 60 feet of
The United States Parachute Association’s National Collegiate Parachuting Championship took place from December 27th, 2017 to January 2nd, 2018 at the Florida